a communist organization
Firebrand is committed to revolutionary socialism, internationalism, liberation from all oppression, and the political independence of the working class. We stand in the tradition of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, and Luxemburg. We intervene in social movements and labor struggles to the best of our ability, in order to advance those fights and win our fellow fighters to revolutionary conclusions.
Our Latest Writing
Our Perspective on the Economy
Tackling a topic as big as the current state of the economy is not easy. One could write volumes about it and still only scratch the surface, and indeed many have done just that. In order to avoid trying to boil the ocean, we will instead focus on a few specific...
Imperialist Blowback on Bourbon Street
In the very early morning hours of New Year’s Day, a rented Ford pickup truck driven by a United States military veteran barreled down a crowded Bourbon Street in New Orleans, killing fourteen revelers and injuring another thirty-five. After the truck disabled itself...
Jimmy Carter: War Criminal and Founder of Neoliberalism
Earlier this week, Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, died at the advanced age of 100. The outpouring of tributes to Carter as news of his death broke reflected his great popularity. Though he was despised by the right-wing during his presidency,...
Social Murder Avenged: The UnitedHealthcare Assassination and the Need for a Revolutionary Movement
In the early hours of December 4, Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, was shot and killed by a lone gunman on his way to an investor meeting in Midtown Manhattan. UHC is the largest health insurer in the United States, covering over 50 million people — more...
The Inquisition with Footnotes: Grover Furr’s Stalinist Conspiracy Theories
In the 1930s, the Soviet Union was wracked by intense violence known as the Great Terror or the Great Purge. During this time, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin initiated a series of public show trials to eliminate his political competition within the Communist Party. ...
How Should Marxists Relate to Maoism?
It is often the case that newly radicalizing Marxists end up confused about our relationship to Maoism. Is it just “Marxism in China” or “socialism with Chinese characteristics”? Is it a newer form of Marxism which we can learn from and engage with? What Maoist ideas,...
Trump Again?! WTF? A Marxist Analysis of the US Election Results
What does the election say about current consciousness? Are a majority of Americans now MAGA racists? People approach elections pragmatically. The majority decides how to vote on the basis of lesser-evilism. They estimate which candidate will be better for themselves...
The Enduring Lessons of the Russian Revolution
This article is a partisan intervention. Being a communist means taking sides, specifically the side of the international working class and all oppressed peoples. As Marx and Engels wrote, communists “have no interests separate and apart from those of the proletariat...
Marxists and Elections: Frequently Asked Questions
Read part one here: Why Socialists Don’t Vote for Our Enemies Won’t it be easier to organize under a Democrat? All else being equal, probably not. The variables at work in determining the prospects for working-class organization go beyond which party is in the White...
Soldiers: Workers in Uniform
As imperialism keeps intensifying through new and expanding military operations around the world in the drive to access new markets for the capitalist class, communists must understand why we should view soldiers as workers. We also need to consider how to persuade...
Everything You Hate Isn’t Fascism
Is fascism an immediate threat in the US, or anywhere else? A lot of people with different kinds of politics seem to think so. As someone who looks at the leftist corners of the internet quite a bit, I can safely say I see the word “fascism” used to describe things...
Defend Samidoun and the Palestinian Liberation Movement
Read Samidoun’s statement: We keep resisting: US and Canada sanction Samidoun. “The first casualty of war is truth.”—Aeschylus On October 15, the US government sanctioned the Palestinian prisoner support network, Samidoun, and declared it a “sham charity” that...
The Civil War in the United States: Marx and Engels on the Revolution Against Slavery
Sir,We congratulate the American people upon your re-election by a large majority.If resistance to the slave power was the reserved watchword of your first election, the triumphant warcry of your re-election is, Death to Slavery.— Karl Marx to Abraham Lincoln,...
Firebrand at the 2024 Socialism Conference: Revolutionary perspectives amid reformist currents
Firebrand attended the annual Socialism Conference in Chicago over Labor Day weekend. The four-day event gathered socialists and other radicals from all over the United States, and featured dozens of panels and discussions on many subjects relevant to the broad left. ...
Wandering in the Void: The Dead End of National Bolshevism
In his 1997 text “The Metaphysics of National Bolshevism,” the Russian fascist philosopher Aleksandr Dugin said the coming together of the political left and right under the banner of national Bolshevism represented the future: The rule of National Bolshevism, its...
Our Locals
We’re also trying to make trouble in Austin, Kansas City, New Orleans, and Oakland.