The Revolutionary Socialism Conference

The Revolutionary Socialism Conference features panel presentations and discussions concerning the most critical issues facing revolutionary socialists and the question of organizing the class struggle today. The conference focuses on the development of revolutionary theory and practice as an urgently needed political focus and orientation that is distinct from socialist reformism, the dominant expression on the left.

The conference aims to bring together members of existing organizations, groups, coworkers, and individuals who want to engage and exchange with others who are interested in or devoted to revolutionary socialist politics, activism, and organization. Another intention of the conference is to create the groundwork for facilitating communication, coordinating action, and establishing methods of collaboration between groups and individuals across the country and beyond borders.

⚠️ Stay tuned for info on the next conference.

2022 Revolutionary
Socialism Conference

Communist Refoundation in An Era of Crisis

Endorsed by: Revolutionary Socialist Organizing Project, Denver Communists, Seattle Revolutionary Socialists, Workers’ Voice, Tempest Collective, Revolutionary Socialist Network, Boston Revolutionary Socialists, Central Ohio Revolutionaru Socialists, Cincinnati Socialists, and Greensboro Revolutionary Socialists

The Revolutionary Party: What It Is, Why We Need It, and How We Build It In 2022

James Radek is a founding member of the Denver Communists, Revolutionary Socialist Network, and Revolutionary Socialist Organizing Project.

E. Reed is a founding member of the Boston Revolutionary Socialists, and a member of the Revolutionary Socialist Organizing Project and Revolutionary Socialist Network. His writings have appeared in the International Socialist Review and Red Flag Boston.

Mick Armstrong has been active in revolutionary politics since the early 1970s. He has written a number of books on revolutionary strategy and party building, including The Fight for Workers’ Power and From Little Things Big Things Grow. He is a member of the National Executive of Socialist Alternative (Australia).

Revolutionary Abolitionism: Defund Police, Dismantle Prisons, Open Borders

brian bean is a founding editor of Rampant magazine, member of the Tempest collective, and co-editor and contributor the book Palestine: A Socialist Introduction.

Tristan Taylor is a bisexual, working-class Black man, born and raised in Detroit. Tristan is a member of Left Voice and one of the founding members of Detroit Will Breathe (DWB), an organization born in the midst of 2020’s anti-racist struggle.

Steve Leigh has been an active Marxist since 1971 and was a founding member of the International Socialist Organization. He is a member of Seattle Revolutionary Socialists, Revolutionary Socialist Organizing Project, and Revolutionary Socialist Network. He was a shop steward in SEIU for 35 years and is a member of the retirees chapter of SEIU 925.

Capitalism in Crisis, Workers in Resistance

Zama is a Chicano from rural Illinois and a cofounder of Amazonians United, a self organized union of Amazon workers that has been fighting and winning through collective action in the workplace since 2019.

Justin Akers Chacón is an educator, activist, and labor unionist living in the San Diego-Tijuana Border Region. He is a founding member of the Revolutionary Socialist Organizing Project and a Professor of Chicana/o History at San Diego City College. He is the author of The Border Crossed Us: The Case for Opening the US-Mexico Border, No One is Illegal: Fighting Racism and State Violence on the U.S.-Mexico Border (with Mike Davis), and Radicals in the Barrio: Magonistas, Socialists, Wobblies, and Communists in the Mexican-American Working Class.

Liberation For All: Bodily Autonomy, Abortion Rights, and Trans Justice

Mary Nicole Reeves is a founding member of the Denver Communists, Revolutionary Socialist Network, and Revolutionary Socialist Organizing Project.

Madeleine Freeman is a writer and video collaborator for Left Voice. She lives in New York.

Noelle T. is a socialist and labor activist involved with Marx21 and Portland DSA’s labor working group. Noelle went from being a good little christian boy republican/civil libertarian going into Occupy to becoming a godless commie within the space of the next year and within the space of the next decade abandoning the “boy” part as well.

From Palestine to Ukraine: Internationalism, Anti-Imperialism, and the US Left

Blanca Missé is a member of Workers’ Voice and the Revolutionary Socialist Network, and a union activist in the CFA at San Francisco State University and in the antiwar movement in the US.

Bill V. Mullen is a member of the Revolutionary Socialist Organizing Project and the DSA. He is the author of James Baldwin: Living in Fire and co-editor with Ashley Dawson of Against Apartheid: The Case for Boycotting Israeli Universities.

The Dead End of Socialist Reformism

Doug Enaa Greene is an independent Marxist historian and writer living in the greater Boston area. He is the author of Communist Insurgent: Blanqui’s Politics of Revolution, A Failure of Vision: Michael Harrington and the Limits of Democratic Socialism, and Stalinism and the Dialectics of Saturn: Anticommunism, Marxism, and the Fate of the Soviet Union.

Atlee McFellin lives in Cleveland Ohio, writes for Puntorojo Magazine, and runs Rupture.Capital. He is a member of the Revolutionary Socialist Organizing Project, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and CounterPower.

Coco Smyth is a member of Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists, the Revolutionary Socialist Network, and the National Postal Mailhandlers Union.

Ecosocialism vs. Green Capitalism: Why Revolution is Necessary to Stop Climate Change

Christine Marie is an ecosocialist who has been active in a local 350 chapter since the Peoples Climate March of 2014 and in the CT Climate Crisis Mobilization coalition since its founding. She spent 20 years as a rank and file member organizing around social issues in the labor movement and she writes for socialist publications on gender and the climate crisis. She is currently a member of Workers’ Voice, a new organization resulting from the fusion of Socialist Resurgence and Workers’ Voice.

Tina Trutanich is a queer communist non-binary poet and union organizer living in Long Beach, California. They are a member of RSOP and Tempest. You can find their work in Socialist Worker, Scalawag, and Puntorojo.

Unite and Fight the Right! Politics and Methods for Organizing Against Fascism

Dr. Jeanelle K. Hope is Professor of Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies at Texas Christian University. She has written on the Black Antifascist Tradition for Essence Magazine and is co-authoring (with Bill V. Mullen) The Black Antifascist Tradition for Haymarket Books.

Charisse Burden-Stelley is a critical Black Studies scholar at Wayne State University. She is the author of W.E.B. Du Bois: A Life in American History (with Dr. Gerald Horne) and the co-editor of Organize, Fight, Win: Three Decades of Black Communist Women’s Political Writings and Reproducing Domination: On the Caribbean and the Postcolonial State.

Ben Warford is a founding member of the Denver Communists, Revolutionary Socialist Network, and Revolutionary Socialist Organizing Project.