
Why We Support Palestinian Armed Resistance

Why We Support Palestinian Armed Resistance

Supporters of Palestinian armed resistance have faced criticism from some on the left who moralize about terrorism and civilian deaths or make false accusations of campism and Third Worldism. Firebrand stands firmly with Palestinians in their national liberation struggle, and with those who support them. This position is justified not only by a radicalizing mass movement, but by the best of the Marxist tradition.

Palestinian Liberation By Any Means Necessary

Palestinian Liberation By Any Means Necessary

On Oct 7, Palestinian resistance groups launched an unprecedented military incursion into Israel. This was the first major military campaign originating within Palestine. It shattered the myth of Israel as an invincible military and intelligence state. Israel’s settler-colonial project has again shown its true nature. In retaliation for the new military phase of the Palestinian liberation movement, the Zionist entity is committing open genocide against Gaza.

Teamster members at UPS: Vote No! Vote to strike!

Teamster members at UPS: Vote No! Vote to strike!

After months of contract negotiations and preparing for a strike, UPS workers organized in the International Brotherhood of Teamsters have been handed a five-year contract — which they’re voting on between now and August 23. While many in the union officialdom and on the broad left are hailing the proposed contract as a victory, we join UPS rank-and-filers in calling for a “no” vote.

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