local reports

Advances, Limits, and Lessons of the Student Intifada

Advances, Limits, and Lessons of the Student Intifada

The global wave of Gaza solidarity encampments has reinvigorated the Palestine liberation movement and made undeniable ideological advances, but failed to win many material gains. A sober analysis of the student movement’s strengths and weaknesses provides important lessons for the struggle against Zionism, imperialism, and capitalism.

On the Ground with the Student Intifada

On the Ground with the Student Intifada

In recent days the movement for Palestine has been newly energized by the protest encampments at universities that have swept the US and the world. Firebrand members have visited, supported, and helped defend several encampments around the US and in Australia. Here we publish four reports on the student movement from Denver, New York, Seattle, and Sydney.

Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists Suspended Over Palestine

Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists Suspended Over Palestine

Like many pro-Palestine student organizations in the US, Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists are facing undemocratic repression. They’ve been suspended from Ohio State University, and accused of being a dangerous presence on campus. We are republishing their statement and demands along with a link to their petition in solidarity.

Protest Photos: Facing the Unblurred Truth

Protest Photos: Facing the Unblurred Truth

Repression has always been a problem for people seeking social change. From direct physical attacks by police and vigilantes to the firing and evicting of union activists, the ruling class doesn’t make it easy to challenge their power. Contemporary methods of...

Report Back from the Socialism Conference in Sydney

Report Back from the Socialism Conference in Sydney

Earlier this month, I attended Socialist Alternative’s Socialism conference in Sydney. For readers outside Australia, I’m referring to the Australian Trotskyist organization (which was a cousin of sorts to the ISO in the US before the latter disbanded), and not the...