
Teamster members at UPS: Vote No! Vote to strike!

Teamster members at UPS: Vote No! Vote to strike!

After months of contract negotiations and preparing for a strike, UPS workers organized in the International Brotherhood of Teamsters have been handed a five-year contract — which they’re voting on between now and August 23. While many in the union officialdom and on the broad left are hailing the proposed contract as a victory, we join UPS rank-and-filers in calling for a “no” vote.

Is there a Labor Aristocracy in the US? A Response to Left Voice

Is there a Labor Aristocracy in the US? A Response to Left Voice

Proponents of the labor-aristocracy thesis argue that there is a layer of highly paid workers in the US who are bribed by the super-profits of imperialism. This logical fallacy conflates better-off workers with the very real problem of the labor bureaucracy, distorts the exploitation of the entire working class, and leads to fundamental errors in organization.

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