The US Civil War was a major influence on the development of Marxism. For Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the war against chattel slavery was an important phase in the global struggle against human bondage. Their commentary on the war is compiled in The Civil War in the United States, an essential volume for those seeking a Marxist understanding of the most pivotal conflict in US history, as well as the relationship between oppression and labor.
US history
A Marxist Critique of The Black Antifascist Tradition
The Black Antifascist Tradition: Fighting Back from Anti-Lynching to Abolitionism by Jeanelle K. Hope and Bill Mullen is a thorough and engaging new history of Black struggle in the US. However, its central argument, that all historic anti-racist struggles fit under the umbrella of anti-fascism, is theoretically flawed, and leads to bad organizing strategy and political defeat.
The Rise of Christian Nationalism in the US
Evangelical Christians are a dominant social force in the US, instigating culture wars and making or breaking presidential candidates. In recent years they have led a surge of reactionary politics into the mainstream, and are largely responsible for Trumpism as a movement. Understanding the origins and characteristics of Christian nationalism — especially how it relates to US capitalism and imperialism — is key to challenging its influence.
The French Turn, the DSA, and Revolutionary Regroupment
In March 2020, several longtime members of the Democratic Socialists of America published an essay entitled “The Dangers of Factionalism in DSA,” warning about the dangers of entryism by organizations such as Socialist Alternative. Using the example of the “French...
The War on Palestine: A New Political Conjuncture
Palestinians have been under siege, colonial occupation, expulsion, dispossession, oppression and repression for over 75 years. They have resisted Zionism and imperialism for even longer. Much of this resistance has been nonviolent or at most the hurling of rocks. On...