guest posts

Wandering in the Void: The Dead End of National Bolshevism

Wandering in the Void: The Dead End of National Bolshevism

National Bolshevism originated during a brief, disastrous moment in the 1920s when the German Communist Party attempted to appeal to working-class Nazi supporters with nationalist or even anti-semitic rhetoric. As Marxist historian Doug Enaa Greene shows, this shameful chapter still resonates today. Marxists should never be tempted to set aside our internationalism or anti-oppression principles in hopes of reaching the most backward workers.

Why Kautsky Was Wrong (and Why You Should Care)

Why Kautsky Was Wrong (and Why You Should Care)

During his lifetime, Karl Kautsky was such an influential theorist he was called the “Pope of Marxism” — but he was also famously branded “the renegade Kautsky” by Lenin for his betrayals of revolutionary socialism. In recent years there have been efforts to revive Kautskyism in order to justify reformism and electoralism. This approach is as wrong as it always was: Kautskyism remains a renegade socialism that is fundamentally opposed to revolution.

Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists Suspended Over Palestine

Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists Suspended Over Palestine

Our comrades in Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists are facing outrageous repression from Ohio State University, who suspended their campus chapter in December on grounds that their activities in support of Palestine “pose a significant risk of substantial harm.”...

The French Turn, the DSA, and Revolutionary Regroupment

The French Turn, the DSA, and Revolutionary Regroupment

In March 2020, several longtime members of the Democratic Socialists of America published an essay entitled “The Dangers of Factionalism in DSA,” warning about the dangers of entryism by organizations such as Socialist Alternative. Using the example of the “French...

Five Things to Remember When Israel “Defends Itself”

Five Things to Remember When Israel “Defends Itself”

Whenever the “international community” starts talking about Israel’s right to self-defense, Palestinian civilians head to the bomb shelters. Or they would, if they had any — the Israeli government prevents the Gaza Strip from importing the necessary construction...