a communist organization

Firebrand is committed to revolutionary socialism, internationalism, liberation from all oppression, and the political independence of the working class. We stand in the tradition of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, and Luxemburg. We intervene in social movements and labor struggles to the best of our ability, in order to advance those fights and win our fellow fighters to revolutionary conclusions.

Come to a Meeting

Revolutionary Organization for Today

Wednesday, Sept 18, 2024
on Zoom at bit.ly/firebrandzoom

The crisis of Marxism in the US today is a crisis of organization. We need a fighting formation dedicated to wielding the Marxist toolset to understand and change the world, while competing for influence against reformism. Some socialists have argued that the small revolutionary group as a model to build the movement is a dead end. But history shows that a small organization with discipline and clear ideas is the best starting place for growing mass revolutionary politics.

Featured Speakers
E. Reed (he/him) is a founding member of Firebrand and Firebrand Boston. He has been involved with the revolutionary socialist left since 2011 and is a former member of the International Socialist Organization.

Ben Warford (he/him) is a founding member of Firebrand and the Denver Communists, and a former member of the International Socialist Organization.

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Why Socialists Don’t Vote for Our Enemies

The upcoming US presidential election is once again provoking arguments from liberals about the “lesser evil” amid widespread concern about the reactionary right. Revolutionary socialists never support capitalist parties or their candidates — our class enemies — and we reject lesser-evilism as a justification for doing so, even when the “lesser” evil isn’t complicit in genocide. Here, we outline the history of this fundamental Marxist principle.

Revolution and Counterrevolution in Sudan

The current civil war in Sudan, with rival factions backed by foreign imperialist powers, has resulted in a terrible humanitarian crisis. The social and economic causes of the war are storied and complex — but are also the result of Western imperialism and the neoliberal capitalist order leaving an African nation with desperately limited resources, crippling austerity, and ethnic division.

How to Understand and Defeat Fascism

How to Understand and Defeat Fascism

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Our Locals

We’re also trying to make trouble in Austin, Kansas City, New Orleans, and Oakland.

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