
Advances, Limits, and Lessons of the Student Intifada

Advances, Limits, and Lessons of the Student Intifada

The global wave of Gaza solidarity encampments has reinvigorated the Palestine liberation movement and made undeniable ideological advances, but failed to win many material gains. A sober analysis of the student movement’s strengths and weaknesses provides important lessons for the struggle against Zionism, imperialism, and capitalism.

On the Ground with the Student Intifada

On the Ground with the Student Intifada

In recent days the movement for Palestine has been newly energized by the protest encampments at universities that have swept the US and the world. Firebrand members have visited, supported, and helped defend several encampments around the US and in Australia. Here we publish four reports on the student movement from Denver, New York, Seattle, and Sydney.

Aaron Bushnell: Martyr for Palestine

Aaron Bushnell: Martyr for Palestine

The profound courage and shocking power of Aaron Bushnell’s self-martyrdom has electrified the movement for a free Palestine, while the bourgeois media obfuscates his protest against genocide and questions his mental health. It is vitally important to honor Bushnell’s sacrifice for its political and moral clarity, and to contextualize it within the mass radicalization of workers and the oppressed.

What Will It Take to Liberate Palestine?

What Will It Take to Liberate Palestine?

A free Palestine from the river to the sea is the demand that has been taken up by the unprecedented global protest movement in the wake of Israel’s brutal war and genocide in Gaza. Most sincere supporters of the Palestinian cause can understand why the dismantling of...

Why We Support Palestinian Armed Resistance

Why We Support Palestinian Armed Resistance

In the wake of the events of October 7 and the genocidal aftermath, there is a growing divide on the left between those who unconditionally support the right of Palestinians to fight back against their oppressors, and their critics. Support on the left for resistance...

Palestine, Prisons, and Settler-Colonial Incarceration

Palestine, Prisons, and Settler-Colonial Incarceration

A political prisoner is typically defined as someone imprisoned for their political activity, or who is imprisoned on an official charge that is sometimes unrelated to their actual activity. While the exact meanings of the term are contested, conventionally it refers...

The War on Palestine: A New Political Conjuncture

The War on Palestine: A New Political Conjuncture

Palestinians have been under siege, colonial occupation, expulsion, dispossession, oppression and repression for over 75 years. They have resisted Zionism and imperialism for even longer. Much of this resistance has been nonviolent or at most the hurling of rocks. On...

Palestinian Liberation By Any Means Necessary

Palestinian Liberation By Any Means Necessary

Stop the genocide Israel’s settler-colonial project has again shown its true nature. In retaliation for the new military phase of the Palestinian liberation movement that started on October 7th, the Zionist entity is committing open genocide against Gaza. Israeli...