
Palestinian Liberation from Below: A review of Palestine and Marxism by Joseph Daher

Palestinian Liberation from Below: A review of Palestine and Marxism by Joseph Daher

The Swiss-Syrian academic and activist Joseph Daher has contributed an excellent Marxist perspective on the Palestinian struggle. Providing clarity on important questions that remain contentious for the movement — from the “Zionist lobby” to support for armed resistance — the book is a valuable intervention on the meaning and methods of Palestinian liberation.

Everything You Hate Isn’t Fascism

Everything You Hate Isn’t Fascism

As the far right surges worldwide, overuse of the term “fascism” has increased along with it. To some, Donald Trump threatens imminent fascism in the US; to others, the US is already fascist, or always has been. But Marxists must be more exact about what fascism is and how it happens. Getting it wrong leads to fatal errors in organizing.

Palestine, Revolutionary Morality, and Liberation: A Reply to La Botz and Shalom

Palestine, Revolutionary Morality, and Liberation: A Reply to La Botz and Shalom

Dan La Botz and Stephen R. Shalom’s recent writings in Tempest have scolded supporters of Palestinian armed resistance. Their abstract moralizing about October 7 comes as no surprise: despite their stated international socialism, a look at their past writings reveals a tendency towards philosophical idealism, and a definite drift rightward toward reformism and liberalism.

The French Turn, the DSA, and Revolutionary Regroupment

The French Turn, the DSA, and Revolutionary Regroupment

In March 2020, several longtime members of the Democratic Socialists of America published an essay entitled “The Dangers of Factionalism in DSA,” warning about the dangers of entryism by organizations such as Socialist Alternative. Using the example of the “French...

Years for the Locust? Part Two: Leninism Deformed

Years for the Locust? Part Two: Leninism Deformed

Continued from Part One After my first experiences with the International Socialist Organization (ISO), what convinced me to join was the sincere belief that my views and actions mattered. After meeting up with some comrades from the organization in early 2011, we...

Years for the Locust? Part One: The Myth of the Microsect

Years for the Locust? Part One: The Myth of the Microsect

Introduction “Trotsky considers the opportunist current and its leaders somewhat as victims of circumstances… There is no doubt that opportunism, like all else in the world has its objective causes in external conditions. But in politics more than anywhere else, to...

In Defense of Revolutionary Organization

In Defense of Revolutionary Organization

What kind of party do we need? Or what kind of party should revolutionary socialists be focused on building? I want to propose some answers to the organizational questions we’re facing. But more than that, I want to invite those who are asking the same questions to...